Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Because That's How You Get Ants

I began this blog with the intention that I would be writing about an array of subjects: books, movies, television, video games, "The things you do when you're not doing anything." As I set out to plan a few postings, and to add a little visual effect to the blog space, I gravitated almost completely towards the subject of television. It is the only subject represented by my design, in fact. It seems almost preordained, then, that the majority of my posts will be heavily related to television; perhaps they will branch organically from there. I'm okay with that.

For me, television is not simply about sitting down and shutting off. Much as I feel I cannot part with a book until I've gone through the catharsis of discussion, television has never been restricted to the time in which it casts its awesome illumination upon me. Since I sometimes think my girlfriend is coming far too close to stumbling upon just how much of a nerd I am, this blog seems like the perfect place to unload my thoughts.


  1. As a cable series junkie, I look forward to reading your blog. I feel that we are living in a "golden age" as far as the quality of original programming coming from networks like HBO, Showtime, Starz, FX, AMC, et al.

  2. I enjoyed the way in which you described your love of television. For me, sitting down to watch TV is like a form of torture. My attention span is way to short for 30 minute story lines haha. I'm looking forward to reading your blog so I can watch TV vicariously through your posts!
